A Pleasure to get Nominated!!

A Pleasure to get Nominated!!

Thank you Khageshjain for tagging me in the Liebster Awards, this is a way for new bloggers to get to know each other.

 There are a few rules to follow:

  1. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
  2. Nominate 11 other bloggers (with under 200 followers).
  3. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  4. Let them know you nominated them.

Questions from Khagnesh:

  1. Whom do you admire the most?

Well, a difficult question for me if you’re expecting any person’s name, because I really don’t admire anyone, I have observed many common things that successful people do, I admire that, I admire Moral Values, I try to practice values in my daily life to get a control over my emotions and my Life.

2. How did you come up with the idea to start a blog?

Through my blog I am trying to turn my one of the weakness into my strength, I had started this blog to improve my Writing Skills, my English Grammar (So, I really request you all to help me recognizing and correcting my Grammatical mistakes if you find any, I really want to improve), to observe my behavior patterns, to know more about myself, So this was the idea for me to start this blog.

3. Describe yourself.

I am still exploring myself, but as so far I could explore is I can do many things like I can do sketching, am good at dancing, philosophy interests me, Values attracts me,I love doing DIY Activities, I can talk to anybody without fear(that to me is a big achievement of my Life).

4. What are your three favorite quotes?

  • “Create a Vision that makes you wanna jump out of Bed in the Morning”
  • “Do Something good today and rise a bit in your own eyes.”-In Love with this one, due to this thought, I can never do bad to anyone.
  • “Feel Free to get Rejected, What would happen at most, you would fail, So What, You’re not the First one in the History who is collecting stones from his path of Success.”

5. What is your goal in your life?

I think the major goal of anyone’s Life is always connected with his/her emotions, My goal in Life is to provide free education with best Facilities to as many children as I can, and I want Value based Education System.

6. Who is the most important person in your life? why ?

Each member of my Family is most Important to me, as I am connected to them, I want to see them Happy always.They are my Strength, My Happiness in my achievements, My Consoler in my Anger, My Support in my Fallback, They are my Powers, I can’t rule my Life without them!!

7. Did you ever think of quitting, why?

Yes, many times, as I was an escapist so, whenever something unexpected used to happen, basically when someone doesn’t understand my emotions, I used to think I should Quit.Though I am no more an Escapist but a Confronter(Another big achievement of my Life.)

8. How do you cheer yourself up when you are sad?

I dance or I try to console myself by thinking what good could happen in this moment.

9. Tell some of the best songs that you have heard?

  • Ghetto
  • Best of me
  • Demons
  • Sugar
  • and many more…

10. What is the sole motive of your life?


11. Any message that you would like to share with us?

We all are running into a rat race without even thinking WHY?? and What we are going to get out of it?

I think we are blessed with a very Beautiful Life, we should Spread Love, Should keep our Ego aside and observe Living creatures and Life, Spread Hapiness!! And Whatever we do good, we should never do for Flaunting later on, but for only a single motive soul satisfaction, Because whenever we do good, we always rise a bit in our own eyes, Do everything good or bad for yourselves.

To accept this award I nominate :-

  1. @Simpleula
  2. Nathi
  3. @aloyferns
  4. Mohamad Al Karbi

My Questions to you people:

  1. How you see your Life and Why?
  2. What motivates you to wake up in the morning?
  3. Have you turned your weakness into your strength ever?
  4. What do you admire?
  5. What you think Life is?
  6. What are you doing(Profession), Does it make you happy?
  7. What Lesson would you like to teach me, tell me something from your Profession that you have learned?
  8. What would you like to tell me about yourself, in order to be friends?
  9. Give me three pieces of advice in order to increase traffic on my blog?
  10. Anything you want to share with your fellow bloggers about your life?
  11. How you react when something unexpected happens to you?

So, Guys here you go, Let me know whenever you respond to this article!!

Thankyou 🙂

Hooman, Just Like You,

Tanu Goyal 🙂

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